A Standard Book Video can help you create and maintain a meaningful presence online in the competitive marketplace. Book Videos are an excellent addition to your press releases, social media sites, and personal Web sites to help your book stand out in the crowd. By posting your video on social media sites and personal Web sites you can reach a valuable audience of online video viewers and attract potential readers. Video marketing helps you engage your audience on a level they can’t ignore. A Standard Book Video can help you create and maintain a meaningful presence online in the competitive marketplace. Book Videos are an excellent addition to your press releases, social media sites, and personal Web sites to help your book stand out in the crowd. By posting your video on social media sites and personal Web sites you can reach a valuable audience of online video viewers and attract potential readers. Video marketing helps you engage your audience on a level they can’t ignore.
• Creation of a custom-made book video, approximately 45 to 60 seconds in length
• Storytelling through text and 2-D graphics and images
• Distribution of your book video on multiple well-known Web sites, such as YouTube
• Web streaming capability and high-quality video downloads